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Because the market is so competitive, it’s sometimes necessary to employ certain strategies and put your creativity to good use. You need to get the word out about your home. This can be difficult because of the large number of homes for sale on the market, all advertised in similar ways.

So how do you stand out from the crowd? Our latest article discusses various unconventional real estate sales techniques and how to use them to sell your home fast!

Organizing a party

People who come to visit your home have probably Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryalready seen (tons of) others like yours. The same boring bites, the same route, the same speech. The process is often too rigid to really display the property’s colors. You could do something different. Weather permitting, organize a backyard barbecue. Not only will people feel more comfortable in a more relaxed environment, but they’ll also see how your home is the perfect place to have fun! This will create a strong mental image that will encourage them to feel at home.

Create a fun and unusual ad

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryAds for properties for sale all look alike. All the houses are described as “pretty” and most of the neighborhoods are described as “good places to live”. Most of the ads don’t show any creativity, so they go unnoticed in this sea of ads. Rather than making an ad without flavor or personality, get noticed with your boldness and humor. “Huge playroom for sale.(Also includes 4 bedrooms!)” Even if the buyer isn’t looking for a playroom per se, the ad will stick in their head. Plus, a fun ad makes you seem human, unlike the typical (robotic) ad that real estate agents do.

Offer a big bonus

A new trend that’s working well is to entice buyers to consider your home by attaching a big bonus. Something they may have always wanted, but probably wouldn’t buy. If your location is favourable, you could offer a boat or a car! If, considering your neighborhood, it doesn’t make sense to offer something so extravagant, Sell house quickly, 60 days notice, financial recovery, divorce estateyou could opt instead for a big-screen TV or a “rebate” on the purchase of new furniture. People like free things, even if you’ve already included their value in your selling price.

Putting technology to good use

Spend a little before you advertise, and it will pay off in the long run. Consider hiring a Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoverycameraman to film your home, and make sure it looks like something out of a Hollywood movie! Or hire a professional photographer who will use a drone to photograph your home. The house uniquely photographed from the air will be seen in a whole new light, allowing people to get to know the scale of the site and its layout. Don’t forget to promote your neighbourhood! If you publish a few photos of the surrounding area, potential buyers can get a better idea of the life they’ll have living there!

Taking home staging seriously

Most people know that it takes home staging to make a buyer fall in love with a house. And if you put a little more effort into it, Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryyour home will be simply unforgettable. Think of the details you’ll find in a luxury hotel. Hang only the softest, most elegant hand towels. Present your hors d’oeuvres on elegant platters. Even if these aren’t objects you use in your everyday life, displaying them at opportune moments will give your visitors an impression of luxury and refinement. This will make your home stand out from the others they will visit.

Having a sleepover

Well, not exactly. If you no longer live in the house and are faced with an undecided buyer, offer to spend a night in the house! They’ll discover what it’s like to wake up and live there!

Are you looking for unconventional techniques to sell your Montreal home? Our team members are always innovating and finding new strategies to help you sell your home fast! Send us an e-mail by clicking here, or give us a call today! 514-320-1000
