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"FAQ" Frequently Asked Questions

Perhaps you have some questions. If you’re wondering how to sell your house fast, that’s okay; most people are. So here’s a quick look at some of the questions people ask us… and our answers. If you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us. Contact us and we’ll be happy to get back to you.

A: Good question. We are not agents and we do not list houses. We are professional home buyers:
Sell your House Fast in Montreal
and in
that meet our buying criteria. From there, we can repair the house and resell it to another owner, or rent it out ourselves.

A: Many of the homes we buy are below market value (we do this so we can resell at a profit to another owner). We are looking for a fair discount on a property. However, in our experience, many sellers don’t necessarily expect a significant “bargain” on the property but rather appreciate that we can offer money, we finalize very quickly (no waiting for financing), and no time, effort or expense is required on your part to repair the property or pay agent fees. If this is what you’re looking for and you see the value in selling your home quickly… let’s see if we can come up with a fair win-win price. (What’s more, our no-obligation price commitment means you don’t have to go ahead with the deal we’re offering … but it’s good to know what we’re offering!)

A: Excellent question, and we’re an open book: our process is very simple. We look at the property’slocation, any necessary repairs, itscurrent condition and the value of comparable homes recently sold in the area. As you know, home values have taken a huge hit over the past 5 years, and most regions have yet to see prices recover. We take a lot of information into account… and find a fair price that works for us and for you too.

A: That’s what sets us apart from the traditional method of selling your home: there are NO fees or commissions when you sell your home to us. We’ll make you an offer, and if you like it, we’ll buy your house (and often pay closing costs too!). No hassle. No charge. We earn our money after paying for the home repairs (if any) and sell them at a profit (we take the risk here of selling them at a profit or not, once we buy the home from you… the responsibility is ours and you leave without the burden of the property and its payments… and often with cash in hand).

A: Real estate agents list properties on MLS and hope someone will buy them. The agent shows properties to potential buyers if there are any (the average time to sell a property in many markets is currently 6 to 12 months), then takes a percentage of the sale price if a buyer is found. Often, the agent’s commission represents 3 to 6% of the sale price of your home (so if it’s a $100,000 home, you’ll pay between $3,000 and $6,000 in commissions to an agent). Agents provide an excellent service to those who can wait 6 to 12 months to sell, and who don’t hesitate to give up part of the sale price to pay commissions. But that’s where we’re different: we’re not agents, we’re homebuyers. Our company actually buys houses. We don’t list houses. Since we’re actually the one buying the house from you and we’re paying with all the money … we can make the decision to buy your house in a matter of days (sometimes the same day). Again, we make our living by taking the risk of buying the house with our own money, fixing it up and marketing it ourselves to find a buyer (which is the hard part of this market).

A: There’s absolutely no obligation for you. Once you tell us a little about your property, we’ll look into things, maybe call you to find out a little more and make you a cash offer that’s fair to you and fair to us. From that point on, it’s 100% your decision whether or not to sell your home… and we won’t hassle you, harass you… it’s 100% your decision and we’ll let you decide what’s right for you.


It’s important to us that the owners we work with have a good experience with us. It’s important for us to be transparent with our customers so that they’re comfortable with their decision and have peace of mind in doing business with us. So check out what others have said about us. Here are a few extracts from what other people we’ve worked with have said.

Would you like to share your own experience with us? Send us a note to tell us about your experience with Vendre Maison Vite.


VMV nous a aidé à vendre notre maison

On n’était plus capables de payer les réparations et les rénovations absolument nécessaires pour notre maison. L’hypothèque, les taxes locales et les autres obligations financières étaient devenues un cauchemar. Nous étions tout le temps endettés… Grâce aux professionnels de Vendre Maison Vite nous avons réussi à vendre notre maison, nous avons payé le solde de l’hypothèque et nous avons mis de l’argent de côté. Merci VMV!



Je recommande fortement de les utiliser pour aider à vendre votre maison

CINQ ÉTOILES : Olivier et son équipe ont rendu la vente de notre maison tellement plus facile. Le personnel amical est toujours là pour vous aider et répondre à vos questions. Le bonus, vous pouvez laisser derrière vous les meubles dont vous ne voulez pas et ils s’en occupent pour vous. Je recommande fortement de les utiliser pour aider à vendre votre maison.



Une expérience humaine

Une équipe professionnelle et dynamique. Nous vous remercions énormément pour votre compréhension. On s’est senti compris et respecté.
Sans hésitation nous allons recommander votre entreprise.
Merci !



Bonne expérience dans l’ensemble

Premièrement la communication à été très bonne, retour rapide et négociation rapide aussi. Maxime qui a fait la première visite à été très courtois et connaît bien son travail. Bonne expérience dans l’ensemble, seul point négatif est le besoin de 3 visites mais c’est comprenable selon vos changements.


Otterburn Park

Très bonne expérience

Très bonne expérience, estimation rapide au meilleur prix, équipe sérieuse et professionnel



M’ont aidé à vendre ma maison rapidement et à un prix équitable

M’ont aidé à vendre ma maison rapidement et à un prix équitable. Toutes les personnes avec qui j’ai travaillé ont été amicales et serviables tout au long du processus. Merci!


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