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Sell Your House For AThere are ways to save money when selling a home in Montreal. Read our latest article to find out how you can save on fees when selling your home or investment property. 

Selling a home in the Montreal area can be expensive. While some properties sell like hotcakes and for little money, others require a little more care. Here are a few techniques to help you save money while selling your property in Montreal or the surrounding area.

Deal directly with a professional buyer

Dealing directly with a buyer will enable you to avoid all the costs normally incurred when selling with an agent. By avoiding selling on the open market in the traditional way, you’ll save on the expenses that normally come with advertising a property for sale. Obviously, not all buyers operate the same way, but if you decide to do business with the Vendre Maison Vite team, you’ll be able to sell without paying commissions or closing costs, and without having to do any work. We won’t even ask you to clean the house or show us around. Among the expenses you won’t even need to think about are promotion costs, which don’t have to be paid. What’s more, by selling quickly, you won’t need to pay holding and maintenance costs like Hydro bills, taxes or insurance while the property is advertised for sale and you’re looking for the right buyer.

Sell the house yourself

Advertising an AVPP (À Vendre Par un Particulier) home allows you to avoid the commissions that would normally be paid to your agent. To sell a property yourself, you’ll need to know the real estate market like the back of your hand. You’ll need to understand the local market, ask a reasonable price and be able to show your property professionally. All this involves many hours of work. Also, an AVPP home generally takes longer to sell than one advertised with an agent or sold directly to a professional buyer.

Sell house fast, 60 days notice, estate, divorce, financial recoveryClean from top to bottom

If you decide to advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, you’ll first need to clean it from top to bottom. You’ll need to do more than normal, and remember to clean little things like fan blades, cabinet tops and carpet stains. Many homeowners choose to hire a team of professionals to make sure everything is cleaned properly, and not just on the surface. Remember, if you advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, you’ll need to keep it extra clean at all times until the day a sale has been concluded.

Think before you renovate

Are these companies reliable? The question arises...
Before you start renovating, take the time to ask yourself the right questions.

When you decide to repair and modernize a house you want to put up for sale, you need to take the time to choose where to put your energies. You don’t want to undertake work that will ruin you. Instead, focus on the little things that you can quickly take care of yourself. There are two main areas we recommend you prioritize: the front yard and the portico. These two areas are responsible for creating a good first impression and setting the tone for the visit. Keep your eyes open as you look for small things you can do inexpensively, but which will have a big impact on your potential buyers. At all costs, avoid knocking down walls or renovating the kitchen.

Sell your home “as is

By choosing to sell your home as is, you avoid the costs associated with the work involved in selling your home. The Vendre Maison Vite team can buy your house as is. Of course, you can also promote it while mentioning that it will be sold as is. The problem with advertising on the traditional market is that you may not be able to reach the right buyers. Indeed, most people looking for a home on the market are looking for a place to live without further delay.

Understand your buyers and direct your promotional efforts to appeal to them

Once you know who’s buying in your area, it’ll be easier to direct your promotional efforts at them. A family won’t be looking for the same things as a CEGEP student. Parents whose children have left the nest also don’t want to live in the same type of house as young singles. Observe who seems to be buying and renting in your area, then advertise your Montreal home according to the type of buyer you’re targeting. By appealing directly to the right type of buyer, you’ll find it much easier to sell.

Use inexpensive or even free promotional methods

Sometimes it costs an arm and a leg to advertise your house for sale online. Fortunately, you can advertise your home for free or at very low cost on your social networks. People are already visiting these sites regularly, so this is the best way to get yourself seen without too much effort. You can advertise your property for sale on Facebook and in local real estate groups. With quality photos, promoting your property on Instagram works quite well if you have the right hashtags. Some owners have even thought of making videos that they upload to YouTube, then share with their social networks…

Want to learn more about how to save money and sell a home with the least possible outlay in Montreal? We can help! Contact our team today to discuss your needs! 514-320-1000
