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By reading this article, you’ll discover our top 3 tips for selling a home without going through the Montreal market or a real estate agent.

When the time comes to sell a home, you have two options:

Homebuyer fast, Homebuyer fast, Sell your home without an agent

The first is to sell your home through a real estate agent. This method can be quite expensive, since an agent asks to be paid in commissions in exchange for his or her services. These commissions are usually of the order of 5% of the sale price or more (so we’re talking several thousand dollars).

The second is to sell your home without a real estate agent. This method usually costs much less, since there’s no agent to
pay thousands in  commissions. That money can stay in your pocket.

Here are our top 3 tips to help you sell your home without going through the Montreal market or a real estate agent.

Sell house fast, 60 days notice, estate, divorce, financial recovery

Tip #1: Clean the house from top to bottom

The more your home is “ready to live in”, the greater your chances of selling it for top dollar. A good clean and some work are therefore in order. If you’ve already undertaken a few renovation projects, hiring a contractor to complete them would be a brilliant idea. The shingles on your roof may also need to be redone. Maybe you should repaint the house.

Tip #2: Tell everyone!

Once the house is ready, tell everyone you know that you’re selling your home. Make posts on Facebook. Find a local website for “À Vendre Par un Particulier” (AVPP) ads or a local newspaper and place an ad there. Distribute pamphlets at your local grocery store. In short, tell everyone… And ask them to tell everyone too!

Tip #3: Always be prepared for a visit

People will want to come and see your home before deciding whether or not to buy it. So you’ll need to be ready at all times: in the morning, during the day and at night. Visits can take up a lot of your time, but don’t forget how much money you’re saving!

Did you know there’s an even easier way to sell your home?

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recovery

Selling a house this way can be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a way to save on costs and avoid the hassle of cleaning and renovating. You won’t even have to show the house to anyone, or wait for months hoping to find a buyer! You can sell your house directly to us. Working with the Vendre Maison Vite team, you can sell as quickly as you want! This will save you thousands of dollars on renovations and bills, as well as saving you the wait and the stress. Simply call 514-320-1000 and tell us about your property, or click here and tell us how fast you’d like to sell. We’ll make you a fair cash offer for your home as quickly as you like.
