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Selling Your House In A FractionIt’s a well-known fact: the longer you keep a house, the more it ends up costing you. If you sell your home quickly, you can keep as much money as possible in your pocket, then redirect it to your next project. In this article, we present some tips that will help you sell your home in no time in Montreal, Quebec!

As the saying goes: time is money. The sooner you sell your Montreal property, the more money you’ll make. Many homeowners put the sale of their home in the hands of an agent and go on living their lives hoping that a buyer will come along. If you want to sell quickly, you’ll have to do better than that.

Find a reliable direct buyer

Find a reliable direct buyer. It’s the easiest and simplest way to sell a home in Montreal. Doing business with a direct buyer will allow you to avoid all the expenses and worries of the traditional market, and you’ll be able to sell your Montreal home without further delay! But be careful, not all buyers are the same. Some make a direct take-it-or-leave-it offer. Others try to negotiate to buy at the lowest possible price. If you do business with a professional like one of the buyers who work at Vendre Maison Vite, you’ll receive an honest offer that reflects the current state of the real estate market, no doubt about it! We can make you an instant offer and close the deal in just a few days. Since you’re not selling in the traditional way, you won’t have to wait for months. Not only will you make more money, you’ll also save time!

Cash home buyer, Buy house fast, Sell my house fastUnderstanding the market

If you decide to advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, you’ll need to be as informed as possible about the state of the local real estate market. How much are local homes selling for? How long before they sell out? Are there any improvements or beautification projects that have taken place in your area that you could mention to potential buyers? What kind of people buy homes in your neighborhood? What can you do to make them notice your home? If you have a realistic idea of the state of the local real estate market, you’ll be able to quote a good price, promote effectively and sell your home quickly.

Set a lower selling price than others

Caution! Don’t underestimate the value of your home. Simply advertise your home for sale at a price just a little lower than homes in the neighborhood similar to yours. This will draw attention to your property. People always look at properties that are a little below their budget, even if it’s just out of curiosity. It’s a great way to get your home noticed by as many potential buyers as possible in the Montreal area.

Have your home professionally cleaned and staged

Buy my house now, Sell house fast, Sell house without agentThis is where the work begins. To sell a house quickly, you first have to clean it from top to bottom and get rid of everything that’s lying around. Some owners choose to rent a warehouse until the house is officially sold. It’s a great idea, since it makes photo-taking, maintenance, visits and moving easier. Once the house has been emptied of its personal items, it’s time to dress it up with a few decorative objects, or hire a professional to do it for you. Choose a neutral tone. The aim is to make visitors feel at home, without it being too intimate.

Make promotional spending worthwhile

Some sellers want to save on advertising and marketing costs, but this is sometimes a mistake. Some properties need a little boost, otherwise they’ll never get any attention from potential buyers. Advertise your home for sale on all the popular sites, like Kijiji or Facebook. Also, try to get the best possible photos to announce it. Take the photos when the house is clean and the light is good. Many homeowners choose to hire a professional photographer to really ensure they get the best possible photos of their home.

Sell house fast, 60 days notice, estate, divorce, financial recoveryPay special attention to the yard

All too often, sellers spend so much time and energy perfecting the home’s appearance that they forget to take care of the yard. Yet, whether consciously or not, many buyers make their decisions based on the outward appearance of the property. Indeed, people make decisions unconsciously from the very first impression. First impressions are often made by the front yard and entrance. That’s why it’s essential to give careful thought to landscaping and to maintain the exterior of your property on a regular basis. We also advise you to take good care of the backyard and make sure there’s no debris or litter. You could even include a rest area where people can sit and relax.

In short, selling directly is the fastest and most efficient way to sell a home in Montreal. If you prefer to advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, use our tips to help you find a buyer. If you prefer not to incur the expenses we mentioned above, and if you want to sell your Montreal home in no time, we’re here and we’re ready to make you an offer!

Would you like to sell your home in no time? No matter what home you have in or around Montreal, we can help! Contact our team today to find out more! 514-320-1000
