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Thinking of selling your home in a seller’s market? Read on to discover 5 ways to multiply your offers in a seller’s market like Montreal.

In a seller’s market, the seller has an advantage. As a general rule, this means there are more buyers than sellers; many buyers are looking at these few properties for sale.Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recovery

But you can’t easily make a big profit on your home just because you have the advantage of being in a seller’s market. You need to put in a little effort to receive as many offers as possible, and in doing so you give yourself the opportunity to select the offer that suits you best.

Why receive several offers? This is the concept of a “bidding war”: if you only receive one offer, you might feel you have to accept it, but receiving several offers allows you to choose the best one and even negotiate with confidence.

5 ways to multiply your offers in a seller’s market like Montreal

#1. Organize an Open House

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryOne way of multiplying offers is to hold an open house. If well publicized, an open house could bring several people to consider buying your property in a short period of time. This could suddenly increase the number of offers you receive.

#2. Set a reasonable price 

While you may be able to ask, and perhaps even get, a high price for your property, asking for a slightly lower price to attract more offers may be a wiser strategy.

#3. Choose a time to accept offers

One way of multiplying offers is to accept no offer before a certain date. This way, anyone who wants to make you an offer will have to comply with your deadlines. That way, you can receive several offers at once.

#4. Stand out

Attract Multiple Offers in a Seller's Market - stand outAnother way to multiply offers is to stand out from the crowd. Make your property more attractive by making it memorable and desirable. Perhaps you could even repaint the front door in a bold color to make it stand out from the neighborhood. This would make people remember your home. Perhaps they would then add their offer to your already growing pile.

#5. Target Buyers

A very effective(but often overlooked) way to multiply offers Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryis to define who would be the perfect buyer for your home, and then target them with your advertising. For example, if you’ve determined that a first-time homebuyer would be ideal, then prepare your home to appeal to this type of buyer and make sure your listings reach them.


In a seller’s market, you could benefit from multiple offers, regardless of whether you work there or not – but the more offers you receive, the better. So make good use of these 5 ways to multiply your offers in a seller’s market like Montreal.

Selling in a seller’s market may seem like the best option, but you could also receive an additional offer from us. We are buying properties in the greater Montreal Quebec area and would like to make you a cash offer. Click here now to fill out the form or call us at 514-320-1000 and we’ll send you our best cash offer.
