Get a cash offer now!

When you put your house up for sale, you have to think of everything. How long will I have to wait before I find a qualified buyer? What is the condition of my home and how much should I invest in renovations? Will the buyer find a problem with the house and sue me? Will I be able to pay a real estate agent’s commission? Call us at 514-320-1000 to learn more about these questions you should ask yourself before deciding to sell your home.

A purchase as is

Québec Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryreal estate professionals usually buy properties as is. This means that you, as the seller, won’t have to worry about unexpected renovations or expenses. Some companies don’t even do an inspection and actually buy the property as is.

A simple sale

Montreal, Quebec real estate buying professionals can usually close faster than traditional buyers… and they pay cash! When selling on the traditional market, the usual steps are to consult the bank, apply for a mortgage and carry out a property inspection. All this takes time, and there’s no guarantee that the interested party will buy the house at the end of the road. By selling to a professional, you won’t have to go through all these steps. You won’t have to pay commissions to an agent either. That’s a saving of thousands of dollars. The cost of commissions is generally 3% for the seller, and the same amount for the buyer. Therefore, if you sell your house for $200,000, Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryyou will have to pay $12,000 in commissions! Real estate professionals don’t usually charge transaction fees either, and if they do, they’ll pale in comparison to the commissions and closing costs you’d have to pay in other circumstances. They can also conclude contracts remotely, which is wonderful for homeowners who live a long way from their property.

A pace that suits you

Real estate professionals want to invest. They don’t expect you to move at the same time as you close the sale. Most professionals will allow you to stay in the house for a while and organize the move at your own pace. It’s very practical, especially when you consider how quickly a sale can be concluded. What’s more, you won’t even have to clean your home before you leave; you can simply pack up the objects and furniture you want to keep and leave everything else behind.

Stress-free selling

If you choose to work with a professional real estate agent in Montreal, Quebec, you won’t have to go through an emotional roller coaster, Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryor worry about your future. You won’t have to deal with calls from people wanting to visit your property while you’re having dinner. You won’t have to worry about leaving the house in perfect condition every morning before going to work (just in case there’s a visit during the day). You won’t have to worry: not about a possible unexpected meeting with an agent or one of his customers, nor about having to improvise an answer to a question you probably shouldn’t be answering anyway. And you won’t have to argue with buyers about what furniture you take with you and what you leave behind.

Reduced risk-taking

Selling to a real estate professional is very transparent. He will present Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryeach step in detail and use a clear, concise contract to purchase the property as is. You’ll also reduce your risk of being sued. You won’t have to worry about the buyer finding a problem you weren’t aware of, or simply something they don’t like about the house or neighborhood. Most contracts for the sale of real estate stipulate that the buyer can take legal action if he or she has not been made aware of everything there is to know, or if the facts have been altered. A professional property buyer already knows the condition of the property at the time of purchase, and accepts the risk.

Call us today at 514-320-1000 or send us a message to find out more about selling your home to Montreal real estate buying professionals!
