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Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryAh, selling a house. When is the best time to attract the most potential buyers in YOUR local market? And when is the easiest time for you? In our latest article, we help you discover the best time to sell your home!

The best time to sell your Montreal home

Is one season better than the others? 

They say people buy more in spring and summer. School’s out, it’s easier to move and the weather means house hunting. Statistics show that more people buy when it’s warm, so you increase your chances of attracting a large number of potential buyers! Use spring cleaning to prepare your home and arrange to advertise somewhere between April and June!

Are you ready to sell?

The first thing to consider is whether you are financially ready to sell. Selling a house

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recovery

The cost of renovating, cleaning and arranging the interior is considerable. Do you have to move by a specific date? Or get a new mortgage for another house? If this is your case, you could find yourself with a lot of weight on your shoulders and stress to deal with, and this can lead to you selling for less money than you had planned.

Are you emotionally ready? And what about the other members of your family? If the move isn’t absolutely necessary, make sure it really is the best time to leave. Are your children close to finishing school? Are you sure you want to leave your friends, work and community behind? You need to be sure you’re making the right decision before taking any action that will have a major impact on your family.

What the figures tell us :

The best time to sell is spring. Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryAs for the most favorable day of the week, Saturday is the winner. That’s because people have more time to sit down and do research on that day. And since listings usually appear in order from most recent to least recent, having a freshly advertised home will win you views. Statistics show that announcing on a Friday is the second-best option!

In some regions, the number of sales is 1-3% higher in May. Do your research and find out what’s the best time of year to advertise a home in your particular neighborhood! If you have any questions, Vendre Maison Vite will be happy to help you analyze the figures for the past few years!

Doing things differently can be an advantage

However, as summer is the season of choice for most people, it can be advantageous not to do what everyone else is doing. Selling in the off-season has its benefits. But just as your pool of buyers may be smaller, so will the pool of available homes. If you want your home to stand out from the one across the street, this could be your chance! Depending on the case, less competition can mean more profit!

Looking to sell your Montreal home? If so, we can help you sell your home fast! Send us a message now or call one of our team members! We can answer all your questions so you can sell your Montreal home fast! 514-320-1000
