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Do you want to sell your property but don’t want to pay commissions? You want to avoid agency fees, but the idea of selling on your own seems far-fetched? At Vendre Maison Vite, we take the time to talk with our homeowners and answer their questions about the selling process and the expenses that can be avoided by opting for a direct sale. Take the first step in the right direction; contact our team today at 514-320-1000.

60-day notice, exercise notice, financial recovery

In addition to avoiding the headaches of advertising a property for sale on the traditional market, you can save tons of money by choosing to sell your Montreal property directly to a local investor.

No renovation

To sell a home on the traditional market, you need to have it inspected and appraised. This part of the selling process forces some owners to put thousands of dollars into a property they no longer want. Before you pass inspection, you may have a large sum of money to spend on renovations to fix problems you had no idea existed just a month ago. Real estate professionals know from experience that most buyers won’t be able to use a property to its full potential; the average buyer simply can’t see past the minor aesthetic inconveniences. That’s why you’ll need to modernize the place before advertising it for sale by changing the cabinets, ripping out the floors, removing the wallpaper or even repainting the interior and exterior.
. None of this will be necessary if you sell directly to a professional investor!

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryNo cleaning

Cleaning house? Forget it; sell direct! Experienced real estate agents know very well that the average buyer doesn’t have the ability to see beyond the mess and the tacky arrangement. It’s for this reason that they advise all their customers to keep all surfaces clean and free from objects of everyday use or decoration, stressing in particular the importance of removing family photos and memorabilia from the view of potential buyers. Nowadays, most professional agents recommend that their customers rent a storage unit and leave their belongings there until the day they move. They also ask their customers to hire professionals to take care of home staging and photography. Added to these expenses was the indisputable need to maintain the exterior of the property as if it were a royal garden. All these little things will help your potential buyers imagine themselves living in your home, but they can cost you a lot of money. You can avoid all these expenses by selling your Montreal home directly to a professional investor. More often than not, investors invite homeowners to pack up what they want to keep and leave everything else behind, unwanted furniture and dust bunnies included.

No closing costs

Opt for direct sales to
Montréal eliminates, in one fell swoop, a ton of the costs borne by sellers on the traditional market. Often, you won’t even need to hire a building appraiser or inspector. This is especially true if you own a young property.

No promotion fees

Whether you sell with the help of a real estate agent or take care of everything yourself, promotional expenses will be your responsibility. Obviously, the more you spend on advertising, the more potential buyers will be interested in your property. Promoting a home for sale isn’t just about buying advertising packages, it’s also about giving the property a flawless look, for which you’ll most likely need to hire professional cleaners, photographers and home stagers.

No maintenance costs

Home ownership is expensive. These regular expenses can put a lot of pressure on a seller, especially if they’ve already moved elsewhere and are no longer using the house for sale. When you add up taxes, mortgage payments, maintenance fees, insurance costs and Hydro bills, it doesn’t take long to reach thousands of dollars in ownership costs. If your home is getting older, repairs are certainly more frequent than they used to be. Selling a home is stressful, especially if your finances are affected. Fortunately, selling your home directly to a professional can save you thousands of dollars!

Don’t worry: pack your boxes and sell your Montreal property in just a few days. You can stop making all those monthly payments faster than you think possible. Call 514-320-1000 today to get in touch with the Vendre Maison Vite team, or send us a message through this link to find out how much you could save!

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