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Hiring an Agent vs. A Direct Sale To Vendre Maison Vite When Selling Your House in Montréal Plan intelligently by comparing data on selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite when the time comes to
to sell your
Montreal. We’ve put together a few facts for you to consider before advertising your home for sale on the traditional real estate market.

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryThe big clean-up

Advertising a property in the traditional way means first of all tidying it up, and then keeping it in immaculate condition for visitors at all times. Fortunately, there’s nothing to worry about when you sell directly with Vendre Maison Vite. Similarly, if you’ve suddenly inherited a property that, for physical or financial reasons, you can’t clean or maintain, our team can help lighten the load. Instead, if you own a rental property that is falling into disrepair or are suffering from the actions of tenants who have left a mountain of debris behind, a direct sale could be the solution. In fact, by selling directly, you’ll just have to leave and move on. Keep this information in mind when deciding between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell in Montreal.

The real cost of advertising

Although an agent may be able to offer an ideal selling price, you’ll also need to take into account the expenses involved in the sale. Contrary to popular belief, commissions are not the only expense involved in signing a contract with an agent. In fact, you also need to think about small jobs to improve the property, personal goods storage, home staging and promotion. All these little extras add up to closing costs and any other fees your real estate agent may charge. By opting instead for a direct sale with Vendre Maison Vite, you can keep 100% of the amount offered for your property. You won’t have to worry about the expenses that come with a sale on the traditional market and threaten to eat up all your profits. Be sure to look at the real numbers when you’re wondering about selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home.

Time is money

One of the greatest advantages of direct sales is that we can specify a precise sale date, and even guarantee it. So you can rest easy. Time is an important factor to consider when comparing selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home. Suffering from insomnia due to approaching financial deadlines can be difficult, and this is especially true when you’re simply waiting to sell your home. Real estate agents can tell you the average number of days a house has been on the local traditional market. What they can’t do, however, is give you a specific sale date for your property. When hiring an agent, the only thing you can really plan for is that, if you end up in such a situation, you’ll lose time and money with every passing day.


By selling directly to Vendre Maison Vite, all concerns about the cost of renovations will be completely eliminated. This marks quite a difference between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite for your Montreal home. Quite often, sellers, once they’ve taken the route of selling on the traditional market, find themselves shelling out large sums of money on a home they want to move away from. A property inspection can sometimes bring the worst news, and this is all the more common with older buildings. Structural, foundation or plumbing problems can quickly add up to thousands of dollars in expenses.


By selling directly to Vendre Maison Vite, you’ll get an early, guaranteed closing date! Feeling confident with the plans you make and seeing them come to fruition brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment! Keep this in mind when choosing between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home. Without concrete plans, life can be truly chaotic. If you advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, you simply won’t have the luxury of knowing the closing date in advance. This means you won’t know when your home will be sold, or even if it will be sold at all. You could find yourself in serious trouble if you need to sell before moving into your future home! This could be extremely confusing if external factors force you to move in before you’ve sold. Unfortunately, if you decide to take the plunge and move out before you’ve completed the sale of your home, you’ll be responsible for paying the costs of both properties until the nightmare is over. This stressful situation, in addition to being disruptive, could turn into a financial abyss and cause bankruptcy.

Why waste your time and money? We can make the transition easier! There are many factors to consider, and we’ll be happy to help you determine whether you could benefit from a direct sale with Vendre Maison Vite. We’ll advise you, whether the best option for your Montreal property is to sell with an agent or sell directly with Vendre Maison Vite. Write to us or call 514-320-1000 today.

Hiring an Agent vs. A Direct Sale To Vendre Maison Vite When Selling Your House in Montréal Plan intelligently by comparing the data on selling with an agent VS. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite when it comes time to
to sell your
Montreal. We’ve put together a few facts for you to consider before advertising your home for sale on the traditional real estate market.

The big clean-up

Advertising a property in the traditional way means first of all tidying it up, and then keeping it in immaculate condition at all times for visitors. There’s nothing to worry about when you sell directly to Vendre Maison Vite. Similarly, if you’ve suddenly inherited a property that, for physical or financial reasons, you can’t clean or maintain, our team can help alleviate the situation. Instead, if you own a rental property that is falling into disrepair and suffering from the actions of tenants who have left a mountain of debris behind, a direct sale is the way to go. In fact, by selling directly, you’ll just have to leave and move on. Keep this information in mind when deciding between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell in Montreal.

The real cost of advertising

Although an agent may be able to offer you an ideal selling price, you’ll also need to take into account the expenses involved in the sale. Contrary to popular belief, commissions are not the only expense involved in signing a contract with an agent. In fact, you also need to think about small jobs to improve the property, storage of personal belongings, home staging and promotion. All these little extras add up to closing costs and any other fees your real estate agent may charge. By opting instead for a direct sale with Vendre Maison Vite, you can keep 100% of the amount offered for your property. You won’t have to worry about the expenses that come with a sale on the traditional market and threaten to eat up all your profits. Be sure to look at the real numbers when you’re wondering about selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home.

Time is money

One of the greatest advantages of direct sales is that we can specify a precise sale date and even guarantee it. So you can rest easy. Time is an important factor to consider when comparing selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home. Suffering from insomnia due to approaching financial deadlines can be difficult, and even more so when you’re simply waiting to sell your home. Real estate agents can tell you the average number of days a house has been on the local traditional market. What they can’t do, however, is give you a specific sale date. When hiring an agent, the only thing you can really plan for is that, if you end up in such a situation, you’ll lose time and money with every passing day.


By selling directly to Vendre Maison Vite, all concerns about the cost of over renovations will be completely eliminated. This marks quite a difference between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite for your Montreal home. Quite often, sellers, once they’ve gone down the route of selling on the traditional market, find themselves shelling out large sums of money on a home they want to move away from. A property inspection sometimes brings the worst news, and this is all the more frequent for older buildings. Structural, foundation or plumbing problems can quickly add up to thousands of dollars.


By selling directly to Vendre Maison Vite, you’ll get an early, guaranteed closing date! Feeling confident about the plans you make and seeing them come to fruition brings a forbidding sense of accomplishment! Keep this in mind when choosing between selling with an agent vs. selling directly with Vendre Maison Vite to sell your Montreal home. Life without concrete plans can be truly chaotic. If you advertise your home for sale on the traditional market, you simply won’t have the luxury of knowing the closing date. This means you won’t know when your home will sell, or even if it will. You could find yourself in serious trouble if you need to sell before moving into your future home! This can be extremely confusing if external factors force you to move in before you’ve sold. Unfortunately, if you decide to take the plunge and move before you’ve completed the sale of your home, you’ll be held responsible for paying the fees attached to both properties until the nightmare ends. This financial stress, in addition to being disruptive, can become a money pit and lead to bankruptcy.

Why waste your time and money? We can make the transition easier! There are many factors to consider, and we’ll be happy to help you determine whether you could benefit from a direct sale with Vendre Maison Vite. We’ll advise you, whether the best option for your Montreal property is to sell with an agent or sell directly with Vendre Maison Vite. Write to us or call 514-320-1000 now.

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