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Make sure you do these things before selling your house in [market _city].
Looking to sell your Montreal home? This article will give you some practical tips to help you sell it faster!

It’s no secret that selling a home in Montreal is one of the most important transactions in the life of a real estate owner.

Before you openly promote your home and bring in potential buyers, there are a few things you should do. At Vendre Maison Vite, we’ve learned over the years that these little things will increase your chances of selling quickly and making a good profit.

Sell your Montreal home faster by doing these things FIRST

Clear the clutter and store family mementos

Kitchen sell house fastIt’s a good idea to take the time to do a thorough housecleaning and depersonalize your home by putting away the family photos and other mementos you display around the house. Remove little Jonathan’s sports medals and the magnetic children’s drawings on the fridge. It may seem strange at first, but potential buyers need a space they can imagine themselves living in. If the fridge is covered with photos and memorabilia, it will be harder for your buyers to imagine their own objects in it.

Set the right price

While it may be easy to determine how much you’d like to receive in exchange for your home, it’s quite complex to determine a price when industry standards are taken into account to determine the property’s true market value. You need to be aware that what you want for your home and what people are willing to pay for it are two different things.

Even if potential buyers are numerous, they are better informed than ever. In fact, the figures tell us that over 90% of home buyers have found their future property on the Internet. That’s why it’s very important never to ask for a higher price than the one advertised online (or else you’ll have to be able to provide your buyers with an excellent reason to raise your price).

If you’re looking to find out the true value of your Montreal, Quebec home, we can help. We buy homes in Montreal and know the local market very well. We will be happy to make you an offer for your home. There’s no obligation on your part, and you’ll receive an accurate estimate for your home. This will give you an idea of the market value of your property. Simply call Vendre Maison Vite at 514-320-1000 or send us some information about your property in a form you can access by clicking here . >>. 

Make your property more attractive

In theory, you could be receiving calls from potential buyers as soon as you post an ad. Studies show that over 70% of potential homebuyers will visit a property within 3 to 6 months of advertising it. However, if you’re not getting the interest you want, there are a few things you can do to make the house more attractive to potential buyers.

Things like… 

  • clean yard to sell house fast

    Look after your yard. It’s a good idea to trim shrubs and mow the lawn regularly. You could even go so far as to replace your flowers with new ones.

  • Renovate or repaint your home. It’s more important than you think.
  • Include your furniture in the sale if your buyer so desires.

The problem with “retail” buyers is that most of them find it hard to ignore minor ugliness. While it’s true that they can repaint after the purchase or redo the yard, their first impression won’t leave them. Some buyers simply can’t get past that first unpleasant glance.

Don’t have the time or money to do the renovations yourself? Selling a house that has been neglected for a long time can take a long time. Fortunately, there are companies in Montreal, Quebec that specialize in buying properties. Such is the case with Vendre Maison Vite. We can buy your home quickly, for cash, and you won’t have to do any renovations. We’ll take care of everything, at our own expense.

If you would like to know how much we can offer you for your Montreal home, fill out our form by clicking here >>.

We’ll make you an honest, transparent cash offer within 24 hours. No obligation, no pressure.

Have your property inspected

To avoid being surprised by the discovery of problems that need to be addressed before the sale closes, have an inspection carried out before potential buyers visit your property. Fix each of the problems identified by the experts. The fewer problems your home has, the faster it will sell.

If you’d like to be referred to an excellent Montreal home inspection company, send us an e-mail at  or call 514-320-1000. We’ll be happy to give you the names of a few reputable inspectors who can help you.

Organize your paperwork

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryAlthough this step is often ignored by salespeople, it is very important. Indeed, buyers want to know everything about a home before they take responsibility for it. Who usually maintains the grounds and how often? When was the last time the heating system was serviced? Your buyers will probably ask you these questions, and many others.

Selling a home in the Montreal area can be…

… laborious if you’re not well prepared.

If you’re struggling to sell your home at the speed you want, you may want to buckle down and perform some of the actions outlined in this article to make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

If you’re having trouble selling your Montreal home quickly and it’s putting you in a tight spot, contact us.

We buy local houses. We can give you cash for your home, make you an honest offer that we can all agree on, and get you out of your home in as little as 3 days. So you won’t have to wait for months before you can sell in the traditional way.

Receive a cash offer for your home – Submit your information by clicking here >>
