No matter how old you are, moving to a smaller place is always a good idea. Owning all those things you don’t really need can be burdensome and invasive. In our latest article, we discuss tips for moving to a smaller home easily and stress-free.
As the years go by, we accumulate more and more objects. Many of us have wardrobes full of things we don’t use. Most people buy a house when they start a family. They make sure there’s enough space for everyone. However, as the years go by, the children leave the family nest, and the parents find themselves in a cluttered house that’s far too big. Here are a few tips on how to move to a smaller home while making it easier to sell your current property.
Tip 1 – The one-year rule
You may have already heard this rule about your wardrobe. Turn all the hooks upside down and get rid of anything that’s still upside down after a year. These are clothes you don’t wear, but which take up real space on your property. Of course, you can keep one or two items for sentimental reasons, but keep them to a minimum. This rule can also be applied to other areas of your home where things tend to accumulate. Think, for example, of kitchen tools, handicrafts and old DVDs. If you haven’t used something for a whole year, chances are you won’t need it in the future.
Tip 2 – Find new functions for objects
You probably keep many things for sentimental reasons. Although it’s perfectly normal to hold on to certain things, accumulating too much can sometimes become a burden. Maybe your grandchildren would love to hang up your old Christmas decorations from the back of your wardrobe. You could bequeath your old toys, clothes and works of art to people you love. Not only will you free up storage space, but you’ll also know that these items are used and loved, and that brings you a great sense of satisfaction.
Tip 3 – Open all the boxes
It’s an imposing task, it’s true, but you’re likely to find items that you once kept for some obscure reason. By sorting through them, you can select those that have real value and donate (or throw away) the rest. You might be surprised to discover what items you’ve accumulated over the years!
Tip 4 – Think about furniture
Do you still need your large sectional sofa? Is that huge coffee table still necessary? Think about your new place and the kind of furniture that will go well with it. You can ditch the home theater and simply hang the TV on a wall. You can opt for a smaller sofa, a smaller dining table, etc. You can sell certain items, and use the profits to buy new furniture for your new home.
Tip 5 – Use technology
Piles and piles of paper, all over the house. Does it ring a bell? We all have a place (or 5) where we let paperwork accumulate while claiming we’ll deal with it later. Do it now and shred everything you no longer need. You can scan the invoices you still need and go digital. Take care of the mail as soon as you receive it, rather than letting envelopes pile up everywhere.
Tip 6 – Get rid of duplicates
Do you need 4 sets of wine glasses, or would one be enough? Do you need two offices to work from, or could you keep just one and share it? It often happens that a person buys something twice, but never uses both at the same time. Make an inventory, keep your favorite versions and donate the others.
Tip 7 – Organize everything
Before you move, take a few hours to organize all your belongings. Group books, glassware, clothes and other objects together. This will make the task easier when it comes to making your boxes. Then label each of your boxes and put only similar items together.
Tip 8 – Hire a professional
Yes, yes, it’s possible. You can hire a professional organizer to help you sort it all out. He’ll be able to give you an objective point of view if you’re not sure whether you should keep an item or not. He’ll be able to help you organize everything to make any move quick and easy.