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Many people hesitate when they think of selling their home. If you’re undecided, these signs can tell you if it’s time to sell your Montreal home.

6 signs that it’s time to sell your Montreal home

1. You need more space!

Sell house fast, 60 days notice, estate, divorce, financial recovery

Whether you have more family members or more belongings than before, if you’re feeling cramped, it’s time to move. As the family grows, so does the need for more space. Not only for the people we love, but also for all the things we buy for them! Or maybe you work from home and really need this desk to perform better. Do you dream of having a room just for you, but don’t have the space? Whatever your reason, if you’re suffocating in your own home, and building an extension isn’t an option, it’s time to quit!

2. Your children have left the nest

Conversely, if your children have left home, or if the house simply seems too big, it might be time to think about moving to a smaller place. Not only will you have less maintenance to do, but you’ll also save on taxes and electricity bills. Getting rid of all those knick-knacks you’ve accumulated over the years could be a great stress reliever. If you own your current home, you could also put a little money in your pocket. What’s more, as you get older, the upkeep of a building and grounds that are too large can become tiresome. If you move, you won’t have to worry about it.

Sell house fast, 60 days notice, estate, divorce, financial recovery3. Your neighborhood has changed

When you moved in, it was a fairly quiet family neighborhood. Today, however, it’s criss-crossed by major roads, there’s a café on the corner and the traffic never stops! Maybe the crime rate has gone up, or the addition of more modern homes has raised your taxes. Or is your condominium corporation too strict? If you don’t LOVE your neighborhood, you need to think about moving somewhere you will!


4. You can’t stand the temperature

Are you constantly complaining about the humid heat? Or maybe you’re still getting metres of snow in May and just can’t take it anymore! No one should live in a place that makes them unhappy. Don’t waste your time fighting a climate that’s not made for you. It’s time to sell and move to a new place where the weather will be more to your liking!

5. You can make a substantial profit

60-day notice, late mortgage paymentIn recent years, the value of homes in Montreal has risen considerably. If you sell your home now, you could stand to gain $250,000 (tax-free!), simply because you’ve lived in it for the past two years.

6. You spend more time in transport than with your family

It’s so important to spend time with family and friends! Time spent in transport is increasing, and people now spend several hours a day in their cars or on public transport. At the end of the day, the memories you want to keep aren’t those of missing important moments or worrying about arriving home too late to tuck your children in yourself. Moving closer to your workplace saves time and money, and lowers stress levels!

Are you thinking of selling your Montreal home? We can answer all your questions! So you know what to expect. Fill out this form or call us at 514-320-1000 today!
