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Whether you’re moving across the street or across the country, moving with children can be stressful for both of you! Fortunately, moving doesn’t have to be painful for anyone!

Check out our tips for moving with children and make your move child’s play!

Tips for moving with children!

Nobody likes to say goodbye. Not to their friends, not to the home they know and love.

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryMoving can be particularly difficult for children, who don’t always understand why you’re moving or why the move will actually be better for them in the long run.

Tip #1: Talk to them

As soon as the move is final, share the news with your children. Make sure they don’t feel left out and openly discuss the exciting new changes that are about to happen.

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Reassure your children that all their possessions, books, toys, etc., will come with them, and share with them all the wonderful and exciting benefits of moving.

Tip #2: Get to know your new home

If the house is nearby, make it exciting for your children to visit. Show them their room and ask them to plan the decor.

If you go far away, show them lots of photos and use Google to find out all about the area.

You could even design the room and let them decide how to arrange their furniture.

Tip #3:Let them help you pack

Make sure that younger children know that their belongings are packed and moved, not thrown away. Older children may understand the process, but it can be harder for younger ones to grasp.

Let them help you pack their toys, then ask them to decorate the boxes so they’ll be easily recognizable after the move. If possible, try to get their things and their room ready first, even if it means ordering a pizza and keeping your kitchen in boxes for a few days.

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This sense of familiarity will help reduce their anxiety.

Tip #4: Get to know your neighbors and the new region

Become part of your new community as soon as possible. Introduce yourself to the neighbors. Invite the people who live on your street to a welcome party.

Take part in local activities that will enable you and your children to make new friends. If your child is shy, talk to him about making new friends and help him find ways to break the ice with the kids at his new school.

Tip #5: Stick to your routine

Do you still enjoy ice cream on Saturday afternoons? Or do you spend Sunday mornings in the park? Whatever routine you can keep, you should.

Try to stay consistent with mealtimes and bedtimes. By keeping to their routine, you’ll help them stay calm and you’ll have a sense of balance.

Never forget that if moving can be difficult for you, it can be even more so for your children. As far as possible, stay positive with them and make the whole process a great adventure. Make the process fun and memorable, and as stress-free as possible for them. (It will also help you feel more relaxed!)

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