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Buying and selling a home are two completely different things. Anyone looking to sell a house for the first time probably doesn’t know everything that goes into making a successful real estate sale. In order to find a buyer willing to offer you the amount you want to receive, you have to work hard.

In this article, you’ll discover…

The 4 best tips for SELLING your first home!

60-day notice, late mortgage payment, Achete Maison CashSet the right price

It goes without saying that you want to receive as much as possible. Who wouldn’t? When buying a property, many future owners think big and overestimate the price for which they will be able to resell it. However, the day your home is advertised, it should be priced appropriately! Don’t overprice in the hope of attracting a buyer. Your ad runs the risk of dropping to the bottom of the list, where it will be completely ignored because the price is too high. What’s more, potential buyers will be able to see that you’ve changed your price on the web. A repetitive price reduction will make you look desperate, and like you don’t know what you’re doing. It could also give the impression that there’s something wrong with the house and that’s why you can’t get your prize. Do your homework and set the right price right from the start.

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryMake your boxes
to sell

Selling and moving go hand in hand. Do yourself a favor and pack your boxes before advertising your property. Pack up your things and put them in the storeroom, basement or even the garage. Put away as many personal belongings as possible. This will help potential buyers not feel like they’re intruding on your privacy when they come to visit. The photos you use for your ad should also be taken in a clean, clutter-free environment. Ads featuring personal effects are usually quickly passed over by buyers on the hunt. Pack your non-essential items now. This will save you a lot of time. Getting rid of this step will make the moving process much easier.

Don’t refuse any visitors

It may seem a little awkward for strangers to pass through your house at any time, but you need to make visiting your home as easy as possible. If your agent has a buyer who wants to see the house at 9 p.m., let him. If your house is all packed up, short notice shouldn’t be too complicated. Do everything you can to show off your home. Don’t limit your screenings to certain hours, and don’t alienate potential buyers in any way. You can’t count on an open house to sell your home. In fact, the vast majority of homes are sold via direct exposure. Being hospitable and flexible towards potential buyers will set the tone for a positive future transaction!

Sell House fast, 60 days notice, financial recoveryA picture is worth a thousand words

We can’t stress this enough. Good photography is one of the most important things you can do when selling your home. Advertisements using poor photography or featuring cluttered, untidy or highly personalized rooms should be avoided. You only have a few seconds to capture someone’s interest as they browse through lists, and you do it with stunning photography. Your house has to go! It needs to stand out from the crowd and entice people to click on your ad to find out more. You should consider calling in a professional if your agent hasn’t already done so. You could also consider creating an online virtual tour or using drone photography.

We can’t stress this enough; good photos can make all the difference when you’re trying to sell a home. Ads with poor-quality photos or showing cluttered, messy rooms or rooms full of personal items are generally ignored by potential buyers. You’ve only got a few seconds to capture someone’s interest, and photos are the way to do it. Make your home stand out! Good photos will get you more clicks; that’s why we advise you to hire a professional if your ads haven’t already been published. You could also use a virtual tour system or a drone to take photos from above.

You can sell your home with peace of mind. By hiring the right professionals, you’ll be able to sell at the price you’re hoping for without waiting too long.

If you want to sell your Montreal home, contact our team! We’ll help you find the solution that’s right for you! Write us a message or call us directly at our offices! 514-320-1000
